Make Every Day Earth Day

Earth Day is celebrated every April. Here are three steps you can take to celebrate Earth Day every day:

  • Cut out single use items

    • Replace a disposable water bottle with a reusable. In the US, 50 billion plastic bottles are used every single year. You can be part of the solution by making the switch.

    • Cups from your favorite coffee shop are not typically recyclable. Lessen your impact by taking your coffee in a reusable cup.

    • BYOB(ag) to the store. Americans throw away over 300 million plastic bags every year. We can make a dent in that number if we all do our part.

  • Examine your purchasing habits

    • When possible, buy long lasting products that can be repaired instead of thrown away. Keep this in mind for appliances, electronics, furniture, and any other major purchases.

    • Research the impact of the products you buy before purchasing.

      • Is it made from recycled content? If so, this can help create demand for recycling programs.

      • Did your product fly in from the other side of the world? If so, there may be another option produced closer to home that created fewer carbon emissions.

  • Reduce your food waste

    • Buy exactly what the recipe calls for or stretch the ingredients across multiple meals.

    • Eat your leftovers. You put in the work, so enjoy everything that is left over instead of throwing it into the trash.

    • Donate extra canned goods, pantry staples, and prepared foods to local organizations when possible. 690 million people go to bed hungry every night. Even small donations of food items can help.

    • Consider a composting program for the rest.

Do your part to lead the way without waste by celebrating Earth Day every day.


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